Scores published by Hogakusha
As you all know, Hougakusha is withdrawing from the publishing business, and unfortunately, many scores are out of stock. I believe that the scores will be reprinted after the publishing rights are returned to the Iemoto, but it seems that they will remain out of stock for a while.
With the help of our wholesaler, we made a list of Hogakusha's scores that are currently out of stock. The online shopping site updates the list regularly, so scores that are out of stock are marked as "sold out." We plan to update the list below regularly.
Out-of-stock scores by Hogakusha (as of July 22, 2024)
Miyagi Koto Scores
1107 Chudori no kyoku (千鳥の曲(替手付))
1113 Mamanogawa (ままの川)
1119 Isochidori (磯千鳥)
1150 Shakkyo (石橋)
1151 Meiji Shochikubai (明治松竹梅)
1154 深夜の月
1155 Tsubaki Zukushi (椿づくし)
1159 Chiyo no uguisu (千代の鶯)
1160 Saga no aki (嵯峨の秋)
1164 Akikaze no kyoku (秋風の曲)
1168 (巌上の松)
1171 Godan no shirabe/Kumoi Godan (五段の調・雲井五段)
112 Ikutaryu Sokyokusenshu No.2 (生田流筝曲選集 第2編)
Miyagi Shamisen Scores
1505 六段の調
1509 末の契り
1520 さむしろ
1527 萩の露
1537 吾妻獅子
1540 青柳
1541 根曳の松
1542 残月
1543 八重衣
1553 四季の花
1554 すりばち・浮舟
1555 袖香炉
1556 園の秋
1561 こんかい
1564 夕辺の雲
1565 四段砧
1604 軒の雫
1608 遠砧
1612 花紅葉
1616 唐砧(低音付)
Yamada Koto Scores
1200 手ほどき教則本
1201 六段の調(替手付)
1206 ほととぎす
1261 伏見
1271 万歳
1272 松の寿
1273 岡康砧(替手付)
1305 茶の湯音頭
1401 都の春
1403 松上の鶴
1405 菊水(地付)
1451 嵯峨の秋(替手付)
1458 花の雲
1481 住吉
1485 寿くらべ
1487 竹生島
1489 松竹梅
1498 須磨の嵐
1708 秋静か・金魚
1711 三つの断章
1851 新潮
1881 隅田の流れ
1700 さらし幻想曲
2501 山田流三絃曲集 第1編
2504 山田流三絃曲集 第4編